About me…

Björn Kopiske
2 min readApr 26, 2020

Before writing articles here on Medium.com, I decided that I should introduce myself 😊 Well…

I’m a software developer from Bonn, Germany. I’m working for ip.labs GmbH, part of the FUJIFILM group. But how did I get there?

Since my early ages I was keen on computers and coding. Then during school and my studies in the field of mathematics at the University of Siegen, I started implementing custom software for some local companies to keep things going. Yes, sounds like an IT nerd…

After finishing my diploma I started my professional career with developing native applications for Windows using Delphi at ip.labs — when it still was in the startup phase. Then, in the times of multi-platform applications, where ip.labs already was backed by FUJIFILM, I switched to developing hybrid applications, i.e. applications consisting of a native application host and a JavaScript based application. E.g. the native part for Windows was built with .NET/C#, whereas for the multi-platform part was developed using the Angular framework. Since all of these applications required a complex backend for proper operation, I took a deep dive into these areas as well and implemented some of the required services using Java, Spring/Spring Boot. To come to full circle, I recently switched back to native application development — this time on the Android platform, not Windows!

In my spare time I like playing table tennis, where I also participate in league games. Besides that, I’m a hobby photographer — you can check out some of my photos over on Instagram.

